Butterflies at Home

Common Mestra Butterfly

Common Mestra Coloration, Characteristics and Size

The Common Mestra (Mestra amymone) is a small, fragile pearly white butterfly with darker brownish-colored fringes. It features orange flourishes on the trailing edge of its hindwing.

The butterfly is also called Noseburn Wanderer, Texas Bagvein and Texas Bag-wing.

It ranges from South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley into Mexico down to Costa Rica. It has been spotted in the Houston and Austin, Texas areas as well.

The Common Mestra can be found in woodland edges, roadsides and weedy fields.

Wing spread: 1.25" - 1.75"

Host Plants: Noseburn

Common Mestra Butterfly (dorsal view)
Photo of a Common Mestra Butterfl

Common Mestra Butterfly (ventral view)
Photo of a Common Mestra Butterfl