Our Chaparrel Nature Preserve features a number of different ecological environments. Located in the country, it connects with hundreds of acres of deep forest, nearby fields, pastures, and wetlands. It is registered by MonarchWatch.org as a certified Monarch Waystation.
We share our environment with birds, foxes, raccoons, snakes, armadillos, deer, skunks, turtles, coyotes, bobcats, and possums. During the warm months we enjoy countless varieties of butterflies, and Ruby-Throat Hummingbirds.
Currently, we are not offering personal tours of the preserve. However, we have prepared this virtual tour. It runs for about 6 minutes, so sit back and enjoy ... and turn up your volume for some easy-listening music!
Like all YouTube videos, you can click to run it full screen, and mute the music if you like.
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