Butterflies at Home

Many of our viewers want to know "what is that brown butterfly in my backyard?" Several of our favorite butterflies are brownish, either solid brown or shades of brown with other markings. In order to help identify brown butterflies, and provide a side-by-side comparison, we have included below photos of several common brown butterflies.

Arizona Sister click for details

Arizona Sister Butterfly ... wings open

Bordered Patch click for details

Bordered Patch Butterfly on rocks

Common Buckeye click for details

Buckeye Butterfly on Hydrangea

Tropical Buckeye click for details

Tropical Buckeye Butterfly ... wings open

Common Wood Nymph click for details

Common Wood-nymph Butterfly

Milbert's Tortoiseshell click for details

Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Mourning Cloak click for details

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

Funereal Duskywing click for details

Funereal Duskywing Butterfly

Phaon Crescent click for details

Phaon Crescent Butterfly

Texas Crescent click for details

Texan Crescent Butterfly

Red-bordered Metalmark click for details

Red-bordered Metalmark Butterfly

Red Satyr click for details

Photo of a Red Satyr Butterfly

Silvery Checkerspot click for details

Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly

Texas Powdered Skipper click for details

Photo of a Texas Powdered Skipper Butterfly

Zela Metalmark click for details

Zela Metalmark Butterfly

Elf click for details

Elf Butterfly

Dull Firetip

Dull Firetip Butterfly
click to visit the Butterfly Store ... books, cages, nets, calendars, flags and more!
Check out these popular butterfly items at our Amazon Store
Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies
of North America
Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America ... at Amazon
The Life Cycles of Butterflies
The Life Cycles of Butterflies ... at Amazon
Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths of North America
Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths of North America ... at Amazon
Outdoor Butterfly Hanging Flag
Outdoor Butterfly Hanging Flag ... at Amazon
Butterfly Habitat Cage
Butterfly Habitat Cage... at Amazon
Butterfly Sterling Silver Pendant
Outdoor Butterfly Hanging Flag ... at Amazon
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Florida Purplewing

Florida Purplewing Butterfly