Butterflies at Home

Great Southern White Butterfly

The Great Southern White Butterfly (Ascia monuste) is a medium-sized resident of the south Atlantic and Gulf coast states, and south through tropical America. Sometimes seen in Maryland, Kansas, and Colorado. Often seen at beaches and in salt marshes as well alongside roadways.

Males are whitish with black forewing apex, females are white or smoky gray with a black forewing cell spot. The caterpillar features a mottled gray body with five orange/yellow longitudinal bands. Antennae have blue tips.

Wing spread: 2.0" - 2.5"

Host plants: Nasturtium, mustard, saltwort, Virginia peppergrass, cabbage

Great Southern White Butterfly Life Cycle Stages and Times

Stage Typical Duration
Egg stage 4 to 7 days
Caterpillar (larval) stage 2 to 4 weeks
Chrysalis (pupal) stage 8 to 14 days
Adult butterfly stage 6 to 10 days


Great Southern White Butterfly
Great Southern White Butterfly

Great Southern White Butterfly
Great Southern White Butterfly

Great Southern White Butterfly
Great Southern White Butterfly