Butterflies at Home

Pearl Crescent Butterfly

The Pearl Crescent Butterfly (Phyciodes tharos) is orange above with black borders and a complex pattern of black lines and spots. It can be found in open fields, roadsides and urban landscapes. They often feed with their wings widely open.

Size: 1.0"-1.5"

Favorites nectar plants: a variety of annuals such as Zinnias, Marigolds and others
Favorite host plants: Asters

Pearl Crescent Life Cycle Stages and Times

Stage Typical Duration
Egg stage 4 to 10 days
Caterpillar (larval) stage 3 weeks
Chrysalis (pupal) stage 5 to 12 days
Adult butterfly stage 4 to 10 days


Pearl Crescent Butterfly
Pearl Crescent Butterfly

Pearl Crescent Butterfly (dorsal view)
Pearl Crescent Butterfly