The Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) features a black forewing with white spots at the tip, and a bank of bright red-orange on the trailing edges.
It is friendly to humans, but will challenge other butterflies, birds and mammals. They are territorial and highly agressive.
The wingspan of the Red Admiral is in the 1.8" - 2.5" range.
The Red Admiral is found throughout all the United States, southern Canada and all of Mexico. They prefer shrubby fields, marshes, streamsides, clearings and urban landscapes.
Hosts used by the Red Admiral include nettle, false nettle, pellitory and related plants.
Stage | Typical Duration |
Egg stage | 4 to 14 days |
Caterpillar (larval) stage | 2 to 4 weeks |
Chrysalis (pupal) stage | 7 to 14 days |
Adult butterfly stage | 6 to 20 days |
Red Admiral Butterfly (dorsal view)
Red Admiral Butterfly (dorsal view)
Red Admiral Butterfly (ventral view) on a pink Zinnia
Red Admiral Butterfly (ventral view) |
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